The Excavation of Garden Creek

Lithics Garden Creek

A collection of some of the lithic artifacts to scale that were excavated at Garden Creek.

Photo courtesy of Dr. Alice Wright


A scaled photo of mica excavated at the Garden Creek site.

Photo courtesy of Dr. Alice Wright

Garden Creek Ceramics

Photograph taken of ceramics excavated from Garden Creek with a scale included for reference.

Photo courtesy of Dr. Alice Wright

Garden Creek Site Artifacts

A collection of Hopewellian artifacts that were excavated at Garden Creek Mount No. 2.

Image courtesy of UNC-RLA

Excavation Unit

GCAP excavation unit. Click on one of the sections to the right to learn more about Garden Creek's excavation history and to find more artifacts!

Photo courtesty of Dr. Alice Wright

The excavation of Garden Creek, like the many other archaeological sites throughout the United States, has a long history. In fact, since it was occupied, reoccupied, and abandoned by native communities in the Pigeon, Connestee, and Pisgah phases, Garden Creek was excavated multiple times. Go through each section of this page to learn more about the different projects at Garden Creek, beginning with looting that occurred in the late 1800's, to the most recent project in 2012!

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