Boone Housing Blues


Three prints, in blue and white, of mold growth
Boone Housing Blues
Finding housing in Boone is challenging regardless of if you are searching on or off campus. Almost every student has a story about their struggles with the local real estate market. The house my roommates and I rent currently is perfect in many ways- it's in a walkable location, has wonderful outdoor space, and allows us to have cats. It is also nearly a hundred years old, which presents issues that we are not capable of fixing as tenants. One of these is a deep mold and fungus problem in the walls and ceiling of our bathroom that our landlord has neglected to fix. These prints depict three of the unique designs created by the mold's natural growth. I believe a sense of humor is important when dealing with the challenging and frustrating, which is why I created this piece exploring how this particular misfortune is also strangely beautiful.
Sky Simmons
In Copyright
Rights Holder
Sky Simmons