Every art piece I create is an attempt to gain understanding. Each work reaches out in desperation, hoping to untangle the emotions that have no words yet.
Life is fleeting- as is everything we perceive around us. The moments in which we are faced with this are hard to overcome- but it can become a necessary step towards acceptance. And then, we can try to flourish within this alien world.
"Roadkill" came to fruition during an unexpected bout of psychosis. I tried to express the pain and realizations I worked through during that time, as well as the aftermath I was left with. We are all bursts of awareness, wandering the Earth in a human shell. To me, art is how we cry for help, how we rejoice in our advancements, and how we learn what brings us fulfillment and purpose.
Olivia Priest
Digital art (Program: Procreate), printed on canvas. Canvas borders painted with acrylic
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Olivia Priest