Hands of Wisdom


Watercolor and graphite image of hands holding Chinese characters over a yellow background
Hands of Wisdom
"Blessed is the one who finds wisdom, and the one who gets understanding, for the gain from her is better than gain from silver and her profit better than gold..." (Proverbs 3:13-16). What a blessing it is to have this opportunity to gain knowledge from the classroom and wisdom from the world beyond! My University Experience is all about learning and growth. I came to college to gain knowledge; I have since become a wiser individual through the relationships I’ve nurtured and the experiences I’ve had.

The Hands of Wisdom carry the Chinese characters for long life, riches, and honor, which the author of Proverbs declares are the fruits of wisdom. These hands belong to me. But the wisdom I hold is not mine alone; it belongs to those who taught me a love for wisdom and to the generations after me who will be blessed with the same.
Jade Harlow
Watercolor, graphite
In Copyright
Rights Holder
Jade Harlow