Excerpt from the 'Class History' page of the 1924 Rhododendron


1919, and how proud we were to be the 'Studious Sophomores.' Again new students entered the class: Melba Stroupe, Annie Laurie Choate, Crettie Adams, Ruth Edwards, Ohna Triplett, Lala Triplett, Fred Hodges, and Howard Bingham. This year was very irregular; the epidemic of influenza swept America; the school was quarantined; many of the students dropped out, and we were unable to publicly to present the second issue of our magazine. But the flu passed, most of the students returned, and despite our disappointments and troubles we closed this strenuous year with a thoroughly good time and emerged with flying colors.
Excerpt from the 'Class History' page of the 1924 Rhododendron
Excerpt from the 'Class History' page of the 1924 Rhododendron. Thxt states, "1919, and how proud we were to be the 'Studious Sophomores.' Again new students entered the class: Melba Stroupe, Annie Laurie Choate, Crettie Adams, Ruth Edwards, Ohna Triplett, Lala Triplett, Fred Hodges, and Howard Bingham. This year was very irregular; the epidemic of influenza swept America; the school was quarantined; many of the students dropped out, and we were unable to publicly to present the second issue of our magazine. But the flu passed, most of the students returned, and despite our disappointments and troubles we closed this strenuous year with a thoroughly good time and emerged with flying colors. "
The Rhododendron, 1924
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