Daniel Baker Dougherty's March letter to son D.D. Dougherty
Daniel Baker Dougherty's March letter to son D.D. Dougherty
"There is an impression among our people that (you) will return to Watauga and build up a School at Boone with B. It is taken for granted by the people that this is a fact and I am often asked about it, but I cant tell them anything for I know nothing. Dr. Adams was here a few days ago and requested me to write you and B both as he wants his Bd. to Elect Either of you Co Supn. Says the people desire this and that he is for Either of you and for you and B to deside the matter whether either will accept the Supn. place? Of course I have no choice but would be pleased for either of you to have the place. Dr. says it will pay from $2 to $4 per day (I have not read the school law myself) Write me how you feel on this school matter and also about the Superintendant’s place.
A school here conducted by you & B would be well sustained in my opinion the finest opening I think any where now Consider this and let us know your desires."
March 1899
UA.47: Doris Stam collection