The Watauga Democrat article from July 13, 1899, announces the establishment of Watauga Academy


The Watauga Democrat article from July 13, 1899, announces the establishment of Watauga Academy
"We are indeed proud to be able to state we are to have established here in the near future a school of high grade. The question of erecting a good school-building has been agitated here for the past few weeks, and on last Saturday a meeting of those interested was called and the handsome sum of one thousand dollars, which is the principal part of the amount wanted, was raised for its erection, and we can now state positively that the school is a certainty. The building when completed will be the best one by far that has ever been built in the county, and will be a thing of beauty, and, we hope, a joy forever. Trustees have been appointed , and an industrious building committee is at work, and it is hoped that the house will be ready by Oct. 1st. The building will be erected in the grove near D.B. Dougherty's mill and the site is lovely. Professors D.D. and B.B. Dougherty will have charge of the school, this fact alone being enough to ensure its permanent success. It will not be a local affair, but a boarding school that cannot be surpassed by any county in this section as to educational advantages, etc., and it is the intention of the Professors to bring to this school young men, boys and girls from all the surrounding country."
July 13, 1899
The Watauga Democrat, July 13, 1899
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